
110 of 17 items

American Dad


The cultural crisis in America can be traced to the steady decline in positive role models throughout the entertainment industry. For the last forty years men and fathers have been portrayed as bumbling imbeciles who are scarcely able to voice a valid intellectual opinion. Wives, children, gay men and even animals are shown to be […]



Who we associate with makes a strong impression on our lives. This includes online and broadcast associations, spiritual associations and professional associations. Improving our walk with the Lord may involve reassessing our associations…

The Power of Positive


We are daily surrounded by negatives. Negative people, negative news and negative thoughts seem to be everywhere. However, there is a power in positive as PF explains.

The Role of The Church


The world is changing around us at a rapid pace. Biblical morals are ridiculed, the rule of law despised, good people shamed and evil ones promoted. What is the role of the church in these dark days? To put it simply, shine!

Rally Round The Flag


The flag represents a visual rallying point. Whether in war or in peace, a standard or flag is raised up to signify the people, the country and the movement. The Lord organized Israel around the standards of the tribes. Later, He declares that He Himself is our flag or banner. Today many people are burning […]

Yes, I Can!


Too many consider themselves unable to face a challenge in life. Promotions, opportunities and breakthroughs all slip through our fingers because of a lack of confidence. Time to stop the self sabotaging behavior! “Yes, I Can!” will stir you to positive action! Prepare to move into a new and exciting phase of life…!

Women of Influence!


PF honors all women in this Mother’s Day message. His focus is upon two women in the Old Testament, Deborah and Abigail. The message is motivational while at the same time hilarious and even poignant. You will want to share this with all the women in your life.

My Word Shall Prosper!


God declares that His Word shall go where He sends it for His purpose. Can we insert ourselves into this equation? PF explains just how God’s spoken Word works in and through our lives, as well as what the Lord expects us to do on a daily basis.

The Winning Team


Jesus took the least likely people and formed a dynamic team that changed the world. The apostles came from the ranks of failing fishermen, hated tax collectors and treasonous rebels yet as a team, they wildly succeeded. This message, The Winning Team, is for all those who want to join with something bigger than themselves […]