From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine the Lord spoke to PF about Real Life Church spearheading a project to rebuild churches destroyed by the hostilities. As we put together a coalition of churches and ministries here in the US as well as Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungry and Moldova, urgent requests for trauma medical supplies began arriving daily. RLC stepped up to help and as of today ware houses have been secured in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Chicago and South Bend. Trucking companies are operating to fill the warehouses in all three countries and supplies are being donated.
We have access to 250,000 dry meals, 500 body bags, 5,000 IFAKS (Individual First Aid Kits for trauma wounds), 1,500 pounds of coroners equipment and just today a donation of 40 tons of medical supplies.
Anyone wishing to donate can text your gift to 843-800-4041…write the amount followed by the word Ukraine. You can also give by clicking the “Donate” button on this page and proceed through PayPal.