Culture & Society

110 of 78 items



Here is an Independence Day special! The very men who laid their lives, fortunes and honor on the line to make a new, free nation, are now denigrated and ridiculed by a population historically ignorant. In this video we trace our freedoms back to God’s Word, the Bible, and the impact it had on our […]

American Dad


The cultural crisis in America can be traced to the steady decline in positive role models throughout the entertainment industry. For the last forty years men and fathers have been portrayed as bumbling imbeciles who are scarcely able to voice a valid intellectual opinion. Wives, children, gay men and even animals are shown to be […]

What Is Church?


After a few thousand years of religion, we have a confused concept of church. We see the physical representation as in buildings and sanctuaries. We know the main organizations and institutions. But do we really know what the church, as defined by the Bible, really is?

Navigating the Storms of Life


Everyone goes through storms in life. They may be storms within a marriage, or among family members. Grief may wash over us like tidal waves. Perhaps we have experienced storms in our finances or jobs. If Jesus is in our boat, there is a miraculous outcome to every storm!



Who we associate with makes a strong impression on our lives. This includes online and broadcast associations, spiritual associations and professional associations. Improving our walk with the Lord may involve reassessing our associations…

Self Image Fix


Why do so many believe so much that is contrary to common sense of biological reality? Why do so many do so much to themselves to look strange and unusual. Why does the suicide rate continue to climb? Why are so many unhappy so much of the time? The answers lie in a personal identity […]

Fully Equipped


Are we fully equipped to meet the challenges of life? With God we are…! We become more than conquerors, triumphant, healed, called, chosen, armed, and dangerous to the powers of darkness.

Go The Distance!


The Bible instructs us to “run the race with patience”. Are We? Are we running to win? Are we in it for the long haul? Every one of us knows people who were once part of our church, once on fire for the Lord, but now have fallen away. Are we ready to go the […]