Sermons tagged with ‘don’t give up’

3136 of 36 items

When Opposition Comes


  You have recaptured your vision, brought it back from the dead, and you are taking bold steps of faith. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a massive problem arises and seems to put everything in doubt. Starve those doubts with this message…”When Opposition Comes”!

Make Something Happen


What if nothing is going right? We know what we need to do but just can’t seem to see how. Circumstances conspire with our own fears and failures to keep us immobilized. However PF brings this message to inspire action: “Make Something Happen!”

Recapture The Vision


This video is for all those who have lost their vision.  So many times life, the circumstances of life, get in the way of our dreams.  We begin to focus only on survival and no longer see the future with anticipation.  This message will put everything back into focus.  It’s time to recapture your vision […]

The Nature of Evil


American culture is on a path of moral decay. As Christians are we to adapt or resist? In this message PF examines what we can do to to maintain personal integrity and change the direction of our Nation.

Get Up!


A highly motivational message that encourages anyone who has ever messed up, to get up and win!    

Defeating The Spirit of Fear


We’re not talking about the fear of the dark or monsters in the closet.  No!  This message is about the fears that we face each day…fear of failure, fear of ridicule and fear of a broken heart.  This is the first step to success!