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Weatherproofing Our Lives


We ll weatherproof our homes for peak efficiency…what about our lives? Are we taking the necessary steps to block the harmful effects of cracks where the world seeps in? What about insulating our hearts? Its all here in a step by step guide to successful weatherproofing.

Miracle Faith!


We have all been given a measure of God’s faith when we were born again…what are we doing with it? Here, PF lays out in simple truth how we can use that faith for the Kingdom of God. There is a purpose in all that the Lord does, including all that He gives us. Learn […]

Living In The Spirit


The Word of God instructs us to “walk in the Spirit”, “pray in the Spirit” and wield the “sword of the Spirit”. What does this mean? How doe we do these things? Here is a simple Biblical explanation with life changing results.

What God Wants!


OK, we believe in the Lord now what? Go to church? Pray? What exactly does God want from us? What should we be doing? What pleases Him? Does He even care? Here is a word for the church in 2021!

Changed Lives!


When we become Christians major change creates a new set of priorities and realities in our lives. However, change does not stop after this initial experience. We are to continue to change by the resurrection life that now energizes us!

Listen To God!


We cannot listen “to” God unless we first listen “for” God. Have you heard the voice of the Lord lately?

The Nativity: Signs & Wonders!


An abundance of miracles surrounds the birth of the Messiah! The best part about this is that God is the same today. Miracles surround His presence and performance of His will!

How Do I Know?


How do we know when God is speaking to us? How doe we tell the difference between our imagination and the voice of the Lord? Should we act upon revelation from God? Find it all here!

Thanksgiving: Faith To Overcome!


Thanksgiving has long been a traditional family holiday in the United States. However, because of it’s Christian origins, the Pilgrims, Mayflower and historical truth are under attack. Faith To Overcome begins to set the record straight.

God’s Got Better!


No matter what we have, where we have been or what we have seen…God’s Got Better! Come on an adventure of faith as we see just how much the Lord has for those who follow Him!