Find out what the Lord has for the church in 2021…He shows us things to come!
Find out what the Lord has for the church in 2021…He shows us things to come!
We cannot listen “to” God unless we first listen “for” God. Have you heard the voice of the Lord lately?
Who determines the course of our lives? Is it up to us, our friends, circumstances or the Lord? Now we can ensure success as we base our lives “According To…”
When we have the key, we have access. The key represents ownership, possession and power…do you have the Key?
God did not wait for us to know Him to save us. He did not wait for us to become sick before He healed us, or experience a need before He supplied it. Why then do we “wait and see” the outcome? We are experiencing battles in our mind, our heart and our faith…Don’t wait […]
All materials have varied levels of strength…compressive strength, tensile strength, etc. What about us? Have you said recently that you can’t take much more? Have you felt stretched beyond your ability? This is a must watch!
Most of us are aware of the power and potential of faith. We ask and receive, we hold fast and breakthrough, we overcome sickness and limitations. However, PF gives us a fresh perspective that migh just make our faith even more potent!
Scripture informs us that the Kingdom of God is not of this world. It also tells us that we are no longer of this world! Why would we not then expect and receive miracles which by definition are also other worldly? Listen, learn and receive what God has for you today!
What do we do when things go wrong? Does it ever seem like everything is against us? That’s when it’s tie to make something happen! Both spiritual truth and practical advice make this one noteworthy!
Most people feel out of control of the negative circumstances of their lives…but not us! We know that the Word of God delegates authority to those who believe. Learn how to utilize that authority today!