Unto You!
The angels said “Unto You…”, Isaiah said “Unto Us…”. Exactly how do we move from the “Unto You” to the “Unto Us” and make this gift of God personal?
The angels said “Unto You…”, Isaiah said “Unto Us…”. Exactly how do we move from the “Unto You” to the “Unto Us” and make this gift of God personal?
How do we know when God is speaking to us? How doe we tell the difference between our imagination and the voice of the Lord? Should we act upon revelation from God? Find it all here!
No matter what we have, where we have been or what we have seen…God’s Got Better! Come on an adventure of faith as we see just how much the Lord has for those who follow Him!
We should walk by faith according to the Scripture. It also tells us that we should live by faith, but what does this mean? Jesus demonstrates a life of faith because He is Living Faith, faith in action.
Everything about Jesus is miraculous! He heals, He calms a storm, He turns water into wine and He raises the dead. Best of all, He is still doing the same things in our lives because He is a living miracle!
How exactly is Jesus the Word made human? How does this affect us? Learn how we can both understand this truth as well as utilize it in our daily lives!
The words “but” “what” and “if” occur in many positive scriptures. However, when taken together they rarely speak of good things but rather doubt and unbelief.
The 4th of July has come to symbolize the American spirit of independence. We are a free, self reliant people who believes in working hard to get ahead and become the person of our dreams. This is true also of the things of God. He has made us independent from the law of sin and […]
With all the civil unrest in our country and in fact, around the world, I asked Rob to address the core question of racial equality. Rob is both an African American and a retired police officer so his viewpoint is worth hearing. You may be surprised, but just listen to a believer rather than the […]
We are people of faith, attend a faith church and walk by faith. However, sometimes we lose focus. This video shows us what is really important and how to maintain our focus in spite of the many distractions screaming for our attention.