Sermons tagged with ‘all things are possible’

3140 of 65 items

Not of This World!


Scripture informs us that the Kingdom of God is not of this world. It also tells us that we are no longer of this world! Why would we not then expect and receive miracles which by definition are also other worldly? Listen, learn and receive what God has for you today!

Jesus – Living Miracle!


Everything about Jesus is miraculous! He heals, He calms a storm, He turns water into wine and He raises the dead. Best of all, He is still doing the same things in our lives because He is a living miracle!

Make Something Happen!


What do we do when things go wrong? Does it ever seem like everything is against us? That’s when it’s tie to make something happen! Both spiritual truth and practical advice make this one noteworthy!

He Makes A Way


There is always a way to go forward in faith no matter what the circumstance. Never, never give up! Look to the Lord Who is the Way!

Press Toward The Mark


Too many give up when difficulties or opposition arise, but successful people use setbacks as a springboard to go forward. This motivational message will really get you going…!

But What If…


The words “but” “what” and “if” occur in many positive scriptures. However, when taken together they rarely speak of good things but rather doubt and unbelief.

The Walk of Faith!


The Word of God instructs us to “walk by faith”, but what does this really mean? How can we know we are walking by faith? What are the results? This video message answers these and many more questions about our faith. We learned to walk as toddlers, now let’s learn to walk like Jesus!

Coming Out of the Wilderness


Israel traveled through the wilderness for 40 years acquiring valuable tools for their future success. We have not been a natural wilderness but we have gone through a social and spiritual wilderness…what tools for our future success have we developed? This video gets us ready to come out of the “stay at home” order and […]

The Healing Gospel


God’s Word is an amazing and powerful tool of healing. PF, who was personally healed of a deadly cancer 14 years ago, knows this healing power intimately. In this video he lays out the basics of physical healing by believing Bible truth. Watch, believe and share the “good news”!

The Battle for the Mind!


Coronavirus is causing a wave of fear around the globe. What is motivating, what is driving this reaction to a virus that kills tens of thousands less than simple flu! There is a battle going on in the world for our minds…our attention…our thoughts. The battle has been waged for years but suddenly a fresh […]